Totara Park Sun 1 Sep

A group of 21 people enjoyed a sunny first day of spring wandering through Totara Park in Manukau. We
had our usual in circle intros and prayer before setting out at 2:20pm, following the Puhinui Stream
Forest Trail eastwards. This was a well formed and stepped track that went up along the northern edge
of the area of bush within Totara Park that surrounds the Puhinui Stream. We then dropped down to follow
the stream back to our start point, and in one place we passed a little waterfall.

Our afternoon tea break was at the picnic area near the carpark. Leader Barbara Langridge gave the devotions,
saying that Totara Park is named after the totara tree. She told a story of three trees dreaming of what
they would want to be when grown up. The first tree looked up to the stars and wanted to be a treasure
chest covered with jewels. The second tree looked at the ocean and wanted to be a sailing boat. The third
one looked down in the valley seeing people at work, and wanted to be so tall that people would look
up and think of God. The trees grew, and woodcutters came along. The first tree ended up being the manger
that would hold the greatest treasure in the world, the baby Jesus. The second tree became the boat that
went out to sea and there was a storm, the sleeping Jesus was wakened and commanded Peace be still, and
the storm stopped. The third tree became the cross of Jesus who died and rose again on the third day,
much better than being the tallest tree in the world. The three trees all got their dreams, but in a
way they did not expect. Sometimes we have dreams, but God's answer will be different and much better
for us.
All but four of us decided to carry on to do the Lookout Walk to the southwest. This crossed
the stream and climbed up via many steps to carry on to eventually come to a lookout. Most of the view
southwards was blocked by bush, but we could see the entry building to the Auckland Botanic Gardens in
the distance. We retraced our footsteps back to the picnic area and carpark, finishing at 4:30pm.
